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Frequently Asked Questions About MASONRY CONSTRUCTION

January 31, 2023by adminBlog0

As expert stonemasons and professional bricklayers, our team are often contacted to work on brick repairs and on homes and business properties that are experiencing various masonry issues. We are also contacted for the construction of new patios, walkways or retaining walls. You can call on us for any masonry emergency or stone-work problems. Our team is highly trained and has extensive experience. Brick wall repair, sandstone repair or new masonry construction, our masonry team are ready to meet all your masonry needs.

As experts in our field, we are often asked the same questions, so we have compiled the most frequently answered questions with the answers here for you. If you have any queries or further questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Q: What types of projects come under the umbrella of masonry construction?
A: Masonry construction projects range from simple mortar replacement to the construction of brick and stone buildings. Common projects include brickwork, home additions, kitchen construction, fireplace construction, and chimney construction. Construction of garden paths and walkways, benches, tuck-pointing, brick wall repairs, wall construction and structural reinforcement. Also included are structural reinforcement and speciality masonry repair. At RBStone we pride ourselves on having expert stonemasons and masonry contractors with both experience and expertise that can handle any masonry construction project.

Q: What is the difference between brick and concrete?
A: The difference between bricks and concrete blocks is in their composition and uses. Bricks are made of clay or shale, they are produced by mixing sand and lime. Whereas, concrete blocks and pavers are manufactured from cement and fine rock or sand. It is important to select the correct material for each specific project. Bricks or concrete are selected for use based upon the project and the intended function of the built structure. Concrete blocks have a significantly higher compressive strength compared to clay bricks, they also have higher water resistance. High compressive strength makes concrete suited for floors, driveways, walkways and patios. Clay bricks on the other hand have a much longer lifespan they can last up to 1000 years, whereas concrete blocks have a lifespan of 100 years, which makes them suitable for building construction.

Q: Can masonry construction repair my broken chimney?
A: Broken chimneys can be extremely hazardous to use. It is imperative that you contact us immediately if damage to your chimney occurs. We have the expertise and knowledge to carry out any chimney repair.

Q: Does it matter if the masonry contractor I hire is not licensed?
A: Absolutely, it is crucial that you hire professional masonry contractors that are fully trained, qualified and licensed. You should check their certifications before work commences.

Q: What materials are used in masonry construction?
A: There are several commonly used masonry materials, Including brick, concrete block, natural stone, cut stone and stucco, a cement-type mixture consisting of Portland cement, lime, sand and water. Stucco is applied as a thin layer that is used to finish both residential and commercial properties,

Q: What benefits come with choosing masonry construction?
A: Masonry construction has several important benefits, structurally, aesthetically and economically. Masonry construction can add to the value of your property. Buildings are structurally sound, durable and long-lasting. Masonry structures can be designed to give many unique looks. The many materials that are available for use enable stonemasons to construct buildings in several styles.


Ready to make some changes around your house?

January 9, 2023by adminBlog0

It’s the New Year! And that means it’s time for you to get your life in order. You know what we’re talking about: those resolutions you’ve been meaning to make and stick with, but never have. Maybe this year will be different? Maybe this time around you’ll actually take the steps necessary to keep your resolutions?

Whether or not you’re ready to commit, we think you should consider making some changes in your home that will remind you of what it is that you’re working toward. It might sound silly at first—after all, who wants to live in a house that reminds them of their failures? But if done right, it can be an incredibly powerful tool for staying on track with your goals. And if nothing else, it’ll give your place a whole new look!

One of the best reasons to help you stick with your new ear resolutions is to make something that will help you to remember.

Some of the best ways for that are:

  • Stone carving around your house, which can be done on almost any stone.
  • Stone masonry, in which stones are fitted together without mortar or grout. This could help you to create that fantastic new space in your surroundings.
  • Chimeny repair – restoring damaged chimneys to the way they used to be.
  • Outdoor fireplace – Make an outdoor fireplace for use during the summer months. It certainly would help you to bond with your friends and family.

In case any bigger project needs accomplishment nearby, we also offer church and statue renovation as this year is probably the most wanted offer. Give us a call to discuss further agreements.


What is brick repointing? (And why do you need to repoint brickwork?)

October 25, 2022by adminBlog0

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Brick Repointing: Why Is it So Important?
If the mortar joints in your masonry are beginning to show signs of wear and tear, such as cracking or crumbling, damage or deterioration it is important to get the brick repair as soon as possible. Brick repointing needs to be performed to repair the joints of your brickwork and it needs to be done asap as the joints will worsen if left. If water penetrates through the mortar it can lead to serious damage. Including affecting the very structural integrity of the brickwork.

Brick Repointing: Why Is it So Important?
What does brick repointing mean?
How long does it take to repoint a house?
Why is it important to repoint old brick houses?
Repointing Victorian brickwork – will increase the value of your property
How to avoid common mistakes when repointing brickwork?

What does brick repointing mean?

Brick repointing is a process carried out by stonemasons, used to repair the joints in brick or stone walls. That involves removing a portion of the deteriorated mortar and redoing the joints with new mortar . Brick repointing halts any water infiltration through the mortar and behind the brick wall this stops any mortar from crumbling or bulging brick and saves the wall from collapsing. Once brick repointing is done, the wall looks as good as new.

How long does it take to repoint a house?

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Brick repointing is a skilled process and the time frame involved in repointing a house varies on different factors: the size and type of the brickwork or house, how many people are on the job, weather conditions and ease of access.
On average, it takes one to two days to point/repoint a wall, one to five days to perform this work on a chimney, five to seven days if the work is taking place on the side of a house, 12-16 days to point/repoint a semi-detached house, or 15-20 days to point/repoint a terraced house.

Brick repointing is a skilled process and the time frame involved in repointing a house varies on different factors: the size and type of the brickwork or house, how many people are on the job, weather conditions and ease of access.
On average, it takes one to two days to point/repoint a wall, one to five days to perform this work on a chimney, five to seven days if the work is taking place on the side of a house, 12-16 days to point/repoint a semi-detached house, or 15-20 days to point/repoint a terraced house.

Why is it important to repoint old brick houses?

Over time general wear and tear will cause the brickwork on an old house to become damaged and the mortar joint to begin to deteriorate. When the joints are damaged it is easy for water to penetrate and get inside the bricks. If this is allowed to continue the water will affect the structural integrity of the brickwork, it will cause bulging bricks and parts of the brickwork to start coming away from the main body. If neglected for long enough the house could literally fall down. Stonemasons that repoint the brick can repair the joints which will prevent any more water from getting into the bricks. Another benefit is that repointing makes bricks look like new, so the house will also look almost as if it were built yesterday!

Repointing Victorian brickwork – will increase the value of your property

If your home has Victorian house brickwork, including Victorian weave brickwork, that has seen better days then you might be considering repairing the point. It’s best to call in the professionals. Brick repointing Victorian brickwork is a skilled job and it will give your home a new lease of life from the outside, and can even add value to the property – when done properly. Brick repointing will not only repair the brickwork, stopping any leaks and damage, but it will also give your home a new lease of life from the outside and potentially add value to the property.

How to avoid common mistakes when repointing brickwork?

There are some common mistakes that beginners make when attempting brick repointing, they may seem minor but they can have quite serious consequences.

Using caulking in place of mortar

Using caulking to repair cracks in your masonry is not a good idea. Using caulking instead of mortar can result in more damage to your masonry.

Mismatched mortar components are another common mistake.

All of the masonry materials should be matched to the original. Mismatched mortars can lead to serious brick damage and insufficient bonding of the new mortar with the old.

Miscalculation of depth

To repair deep cracks, some of the old mortar has to be removed.

Removal of dust and debris

When this is not removed it prevents the new mortar from properly bonding and results in an incomplete joint.

Adding too much water when preparing the mortar.

Too much water leads to adding sand and can result in the original formula being altered.


When it comes to old house renovation in Edinburgh, RB Stone is the company to trust for the results you deserve. Our years of industry experience and our team of talented tradesmen ensure that all our work sets the highest standards.

Contact Info

RB Stone
9 Corby Craig Crescent,
Loanhead, EH25 9TF
8:00 - 18:00

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